Filed under Junk Drawer, Writing.
After two auto accidents in the past year between July 1st 2o13 and June 2014 it has been a long recovery. Only in June was I able to do my long walks with my dog again. One glorious week of walking 2-3 miles a day. My muscles were sore, my lower right back would ache, but I could do it.
Now I am faced with another year of recovery. It was late at night and we had just moved into a new home with extra long staircases. I missed the last two steps at the bottom, fell and landed awkwardly on my right ankle fracturing it in two places. The good news (if there can be in this situation) was it was not worse…in other words, other areas of my body were not hurt. Still this will put some taxing exertion on my lower right back as I lug around a foot I cannot put weight on. Monday I go in for surgery and get some screws and wires put in. This is scary and sad as I will have to face another long wait before being able to put my full energy into my writing and my exercise.
Just wanted to update folks if you don’t see a lot of posts in the next few weeks, and to notify my book plans are being delayed once again.
Health is never overrated. Enjoy the movements of your body without pain. Dance, skip, run while you can. It’s life and joy!