Filed under Geek Girl.
I wanted to post my favorite Deadwood quotes up, but then Jonhenry cautioned me to tread lightly…well, he said I should just quote Mr. Wu “Cocksucker” and as that IS one of the most frequent expressions I went with that.
I enjoy this series and I just realized why. It is a modern day Shakespeare. The language is bawdy and witty, and there is a nice blend of drama and action. You get caught up in the unfolding of life, and the twists that come with it. What is odd is one of the bad guys reminds me of my father. I bit unnerving to realize there are parts of Al that your father related to…and I’m talking good and bad. Not that there is a lot of good to Al, but compared to the other bad guys in the series he is the one you find yourself rooting for if you had to pick.