Grateful for Sunshine

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Love my new place where the morning sun filters in through large windows, and where my balcony has sun from 10:00am to noon. I’m in a new place where I’ve bought flowers and plants! It’s exciting, but also scary because I am terrible at keeping green things alive. Any recommendations on plants I should consider… More

World’s Best Coffee Mug

Filed under Writing.


for me…a  mug  with  the cover  of  my  book  “Hope  and  Languish”  

Middle of a Move

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Thoughts I’ve had during this move.  Wow, this apartment is so big…I’m lonely.  Look, stuff I haven’t seen for two years, awwww.  Look, stuff I haven’t seen for two years. Why do I have this?  Look stuff I haven’t seen…um…my goodness…how much stuff does one person need? Do I like this new rug? I love… More