Writing and Digital Publishing

Filed under Writing.


I’m working on several series at the moment:  SciFi/Fantasy, Tween-Urban Fantasy, and a futuristic Mystery series (SciFi as well?). My first book is almost 2/3 rds complete. but it has taken so long to write that I’m not sure it’s my best work. I will finish it as a project of love, of course, and… More

Merry Christmas and don’t talk bad about my stew!

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Got together with family for Christmas – early. Which is good because last year we missed Christmas and my niece had to stare at wrapped presents until April when we finally all got together to open them. This year was a definate upgrade, despite me feeding broken glass to my brother. I said I don’t… More

Diet Soda Dislike

Filed under Uncategorized.


This is not a rant about the taste of diet soda, although I am sure many a post by others covers that topic. No, that is not what I want to talk about today. Rather, I am unhappy with the effects diet soda has on people and yet the continued way in which it is… More

Too Much Fun? Possibly.

Filed under Geek Girl.


Two 200+ guest events within days of each other? Yikes. While both are going to be amazingly fun, there is work to be done behind the scenes. This means I’m waking up at odd hours with odd thoughts popping in last minute like “Where can I pick up a small enough funnel in order to… More