Not Very Jolly

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Merry Christmas. My family is postponing Christmas – we will be getting together the following Saturday to exchange presents. Too many folks are feeling under the weather and not very jolly.

I am Sick

Filed under Junk Drawer.


I am sick. I knew it would catch up with me. Such a bummer to be sick during what I wanted to have as vacation and personal time to do my own projects

Distraction and Family Time

Filed under Geek Girl.


So tired. Long drive down to Gig Harbor to visit family friends…Rachel who is like my sister, and her cute little boy. On the way I stopped off at the domestic violence shelter in Tacoma to drop off the gifts. They were so thankful. There was a woman there who had been helped by the… More

Purchased Xbox 360 and Kinect

Filed under Geek Girl.


Purchased the Xbox 360 and Kinect, I’ve also donated about 12 of my own games towards the cause. Other folks have contributed some games too, we now have a total of 20 games to include in the gift. I will be dropping this off on Thursday…can’t wait. Oh yeah, vacation tomorrow!

Nurse for the Next Week

Filed under Geek Girl.


UGH, Jonhenry is sick. This means that I’ll be nurse for the next week, and will get sick myself. Ah well, have to get cleaning done, Christmas shopping done, get Christmas cards out, and finish up work. We aren’t buying a tree this year. I decided to take the money we would have spent on… More

One Week to Vacation

Filed under Junk Drawer.


One week left and then vacation! Can’t wait. Just trying to get Christmas shopping started, time is flying.

Sleep for Two Days

Filed under Geek Girl.


OMG so tired! The after party was neat, but I was hoping to see more talent there. OH and I wanted to hug my guys for winning Game of the Year! But we kept missing each other, while they were at the bar we were parking, while they were heading out to grab food we… More

Attending the Video Game Awards Show

Filed under Geek Girl.


Video Game Awards Show – what an experience. Filmed live, and so many talented people participating. It was held at Sony Pictures Studio, another lot behind a security gate. It was a bit tricky finding the correct entrance, but once we did things went smoothly…until I reached the metal detector. They had to wand me… More

The cast from Glee

Filed under Geek Girl.


The morning began at Dreamworks Studios with a tour of the campus. This was not a walk around and just point out a few bushes and buildings, this was a professional hour long explanation (at a high level) of how animation is created. The guide was funny and charming showing us the greenery and water… More

Hotel is Magnificent

Filed under Junk Drawer.


Flew out to LA today. The hotel is magnificent, at least to my humble tastes. I have a breathtaking view of buildings, which look brilliant at night. There is something freeing about staying at a hotel. I don’t have to worry about dirty dishes, or laundry, or even making the bed. It’s a luxury I… More